Tomato Cultivation Varieties for Indian Farmers - FeraxFarm

Tomatoes are grown in different places like fields, greenhouses, and outdoors all around the world. In India, there are different tomato cultivation varieties for Indian farmers that can be grown throughout the year.

Tomatoes are a common crop, usually grown in the summer, but farmers can grow them throughout the year. With its diverse climate and soil conditions, India offers a fertile ground for tomato cultivation. 

The average tomato fruit weighs around 70 to 150 grams, with a diameter of 50 to 70 millimeters. Due to their rich nutritional content, tomatoes hold great significance as one of the most versatile crops in India.

In Indian cuisine tomatoes are used in several dishes, including soups, salads, gravies, stews, curries, and sauces.

Tomato Cultivation Varieties for Indian Farmers

There are hundreds of tomato verities in Indian for farmers to grow these verities are grown in different seasons round the year.  

Summer Season Tomato Varieties

Growing tomatoes during the summer is quite straightforward because they thrive in warm weather. You typically plant them from March to June when temperatures range from 21°C to 24°C for the best outcomes.

Here are a few tomato varieties commonly grown in India during the summer months.

Arka Ashish

Arka Ashish, developed by IIHR in Bangalore, represents an improvement over California’s UC83 B variety. This tomato variety matures based on its fruit concentration. As the fruit ripens, it becomes uniformly shaped, firm, and oval in appearance.

This tomato variety yields a good yield of 35 tons per hectare. Ripe tomatoes can stay on the vine for an extended period without any issues of powdery mildew. This tomato variety is highly versatile and is excellent for making ketchup, juice, and puree.

Its characteristics include a vibrant color with 10 mg of Lycopene per 100g, low acidity at 0.35%, and a high 4.8% TSS (Total Soluble Solids) content.

Pusa Hybrid

The Indian Agricultural Research Institute in New Delhi introduced this tomato variety. It’s tough and can endure hot, humid weather, even with temperatures soaring as high as 30 to 35°C.

Typically, it yields round fruits with thick, shiny skin, and farmers can expect a harvest of around 25 to 32 tons per hectare.

Pusa Ruby

Pusa Ruby is a tomato variety developed at Indian Agriculture Research Institute (IARI) Delhi. It’s a moderate-yielding hybrid type and an early-season grower, offering an average yield of 28 to 30 tonnes per hectare.

It’s a popular choice for spring and summer cultivation, mainly because it thrives when grown outdoors. This cultivar matures quickly, reaching an average height of 80 to 85 cm, with an indeterminate life cycle.

Its fruits are either flat or spherical, medium-sized, and slightly acidic in taste. This variety works well for processing or as a table option.

Arka Abhijith

Arka Abhijith, a high-yielding hybrid variety, was released by Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR) Bangalore. The plants are semi-determinate and feature dark green foliage. The fruits they produce are round, medium-sized, weighing approximately 65 to 70 grams, and they come with a green shoulder.

These tomatoes have thick flesh, which gives them a longer shelf life, making them suitable for transporting over long distances. They are also perfect for table use. Notably, these plants are resistant to bacterial wilt, a common tomato disease.

Cultivated during either the Kharif or Rabi season, they mature in about 140 days, yielding an average of 65 tons per hectare.

Also Read: Agricultural Research Institutes in India

Arka Shreshtha

Arka Shreshtha, a hybrid variety developed by IIHR in Bangalore, is known for its high yield. The leaves of these plants are light green, and they have a semi-determinate growth pattern. They produce medium-sized fruits, typically weighing between 70 to 75 grams, with soft green shoulders.

This tomato variety is firm and can be stored well for about 17 days, making them suitable for extended transportation. They cater to both fresh and processed markets.

One of its key advantages is resistance to bacterial wilt, a common tomato disease. Arka Shreshtha matures after 140 days of cultivation, whether it’s during the Kharif or Rabi seasons, and offers an average yield of 76 tons per hectare.

Arka Vikas

Arka Vikas is one of the hybrid tomato cultivation varieties for Indian farmers developed in India by IIHR Bangalore. These tomatoes have a round, slightly flattened shape and are medium to large-sized, typically weighing between 80 to 90 grams. When they ripen, they turn a deep crimson color.

The tomato variety is well-suited for both rainfed and irrigated environments and was specifically developed for a new market. These tomatoes are best enjoyed fresh at the table. From planting to maturity, it takes about 140 days, and on average, it yields around 35 tons per hectare.

Arka Vishal

Arka Vishal is a hybrid tomato variety introduced by IIHR. These tomatoes grow on indeterminate plants and are notably large, weighing around 140 grams each. They are primarily intended for table use and are best cultivated during the Kharif/Rabi season.

It takes approximately 160 days for Arka Vishal tomatoes to reach maturity, and, on average, they yield about 75 tons per hectare.

Pusa Early Dwarf

This hybrid tomato variety, was developed by IARI in New Delhi, India. These tomatoes ripen relatively quickly because they are of the determinate type. They have a flat, round shape, are medium-sized, and typically have yellow stems. It takes about 75 to 80 days from transplantation to harvest these tomatoes.

On average, one hectare of land can yield approximately 35 tons of tomatoes. These tomatoes are versatile, suitable for both direct consumptions at the table and for processing.

Arka Saurabh

Arka Saurabh is a distinctive tomato variety with a noticeable bump at the top, making it easily recognizable. This variety is known to yield around 30 to 35 tonnes per hectare. The plants have a semi-determinate growth pattern, and their leaves are light green in color.

Arka Saurabh produces medium-sized fruits, usually weighing between 70 to 75 grams, and these tomatoes have a light green shoulder. They are versatile, suitable for both direct consumption and processing.

When cultivated during either the Kharif or Rabi season, this crop matures in about 140 days., it has a good shelf life at room temperature, lasting for 8-10 days.

Arka Saurabh tomatoes strike a delightful balance between sweetness and acidity, making them perfect for various culinary uses, including ketchup and juice production.


Vaishali is a specific type of hybrid tomato that grows as a determinate plant. It yields medium-sized, top-quality fruits, typically weighing around 100 grams each. This variety thrives in hot and humid conditions, making it well-suited for such climates.

What sets Vaishali apart is its strong resistance to diseases like Fusarium and Verticillium. This feature makes it an excellent choice for processing, particularly in juice production.

Winter Season Tomato Varieties

Tomato varieties grown in winter season in India include:

Pusa Gaurav

Pusa Gaurav was Developed by IIHR (Indian Institute of Horticultural Research), Bangalore, the plants are characterized by their dwarf and bushy nature, with moderate foliage coverage. The tomatoes they produce are smooth and elliptical in shape.

When unripe, these fruits are firm, with thick flesh measuring about 0.6 centimetres. They contain two well-filled locules, making them a unique and versatile tomato variety.


Namdhari is hybrid tomato variety for Indian farmers known for its early maturity. It has a determinate maturity date, meaning it follows a specific growth cycle. These tomatoes typically weigh between 80 and 90 grams each and have an appealing glossy red appearance.

This tomato variety is cultivated in nearly all states of India, typically from August to October. While the most common varieties yield about 40 to 60 tons per hectare, Namdhari-4266 stands out with an impressive yield potential of 120 to 140 tons per hectare.


Rashmi tomatoes are known for their perfect round shape, firmness, smooth skin, and vibrant color. The variety was developed by IAHS Bangalore (Indo American Hybrid Seeds).

This hybrid variety, can thrive in various growing conditions, Rashmi tomato variety is tolerant to bacterial wilt and early blight.

The first harvest usually happens approximately 70 days after planting, and these tomatoes typically weigh around 90 grams each. They are particularly well-suited for processing due to their attributes.


Abhinav is known for its wide leaves, lush foliage, and semi-determinate growth pattern. These features make it a practical choice for long-distance transportation. It typically produces fruits in about 60 to 65 days after planting, and these tomatoes have a glossy, deep red color.

Farmers usually cultivate this tomato variety during both the Kharif and Rabi seasons. The fruits are not only firm and long-lasting but also well-suited for processing. They typically weigh between 80 and 100 grams each. On average, Abhinav yields approximately 75 tons of tomatoes per hectare.


Rupali tomatoes, a hybrid variety, yield medium-sized fruits, each weighing around 100 grams. These tomatoes are known for their firmness, round shape, smooth skin, and high-quality attributes. These plants are compact and can resist bacterial wilt disease. The tomato variety produces an average yield of 79.5 tonnes/hectare. 

They follow a determinate growth pattern, meaning they have a defined growth cycle and are more compact in size. Rupali tomatoes are early to grow and are particularly well-suited for processing, making them a great choice.

Arka Vardan

Arka Vardan, a hybrid tomato variety developed in India by IIHR in Bangalore, is notable for its fruits, which typically weigh around 140 grams and have a green shoulder. These tomatoes grow on indeterminate plants and are primarily intended for table use.

They are cultivated during both the Kharif and Rabi seasons and typically mature after 160 days. On average, Arka Vardan yields approximately 75 tons of tomatoes per hectare.

Arka Alok (BWR-5)

Arka Alok (BWR-5) is another tomato variety known for its resistance to bacterial wilt. It was developed at IIHR in Bangalore, using genetic material obtained from AVRDC in Taiwan. These tomatoes reach maturity within 125 days after transplantation, making them a relatively fast-growing variety.

The fruits of this tomato variety typically weigh around 100 grams each and have a unique square or round shape with thick flesh. They also feature a light green shoulder. In terms of yield potential, Arka Alok can produce an average of 35 tons per hectare.

Rainy Season Tomato Varieties

Rainy season tomato varieties grown in in India include:

Arka Meghali

Arka Meghali is a result of crossbreeding between Arka Vikas and IHR 554, developed at IIHR (Indian Institute of Horticultural Research) Bangalore. This tomato variety boasts high yields, with an average production of 17.2 tonnes per hectare. To put it in perspective, under rainfed conditions.

Arka Meghali significantly outperforms Pusa Ruby, which yields only 10.9 tonnes per hectare. The individual fruits of Arka Meghali weigh between 63 and 65 grams each.


With an impressive yield potential, EW-815 can yield approximately 90 to 100 tonnes of fruit per hectare. Its ability to withstand adverse weather conditions during the rainy season makes it an excellent choice for rainy cultivation.

EW-815 tomatoes have proven to be resilient in the face of bacterial withering and yellow leaf curl, common challenges during the rainy season. These tomatoes are distinguished by their round shape, vibrant red color, and an average weight ranging from 80 to 100 grams.

They are also blight-resistant, which is a significant advantage, and their durability makes them well-suited for transportation to distant markets

Melkasalsa & Melkashola

While Melkasalsa and Melkshola tomatoes may have slightly smaller fruits, they more than make up for it with their high marketable yield. These two tomato varieties are particularly suitable for cultivation under protective plastic shelters during the rainy season.

According to records, Melkasalsa can yield an impressive 22 tons of marketable fruit per hectare.

Growing Conditions for Tomatoes

Tomatoes thrive in warm, sunny conditions with enough moisture. While they are warm-season plants, they can also grow in cooler areas, but they can’t withstand severe frost. The best temperature range for tomatoes is typically between 15–27°C, with an ideal monthly average of 21–23°C.

Tomatoes can be cultivated in arid regions with irrigation, but very high temperatures can result in poor fruit quality and sun damage. They are vulnerable to leaf diseases in humid and hot conditions. Excessive rainfall can lead to flower drop and impact fruit development. To get the right color in the fruits, it’s best to have warm, sunny days and moderately cool nights.

In India, tomatoes can be grown throughout the year. In the northern plains, they can be cultivated in autumn, spring, and summer. In southern India, there are three growing seasons: June–July, October–November, and January–February.

Tomatoes can grow in various soil types, from sandy loam to clay, black soil, or red soil, as long as the soil has good drainage. The best soil is sandy loam with organic matter on top, some sand in the upper layer, and good clay content below to retain moisture. The ideal pH for tomato cultivation is between 6 and 8.5, but they can tolerate moderate acidity and salinity.


Tomatoes are a common crop in India and are typically planted during the summer, but they can be grown year-round thanks to the country’s diverse climate and soil conditions.

In India, there are hundreds of tomato varieties to grow they can thrive in various seasons. In the northern plains, they can be cultivated in autumn, spring, and summer. In southern India, there are three distinct growing periods: June–July, October–November, and January–February.

The average tomato fruit usually weighs between 70 to 150 grams and has a diameter of 50 to 70 millimeters. Because of their rich nutritional value, tomatoes are highly significant as one of the most versatile crops in India.


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