Homemade Phosphorus Fertilizer for Plants - FeraxFarm

Almost every home has homemade phosphorus fertilizer for plants. Phosphorus is a vital nutrient for plant growth.

It is one of the vital constituents important in plant cell division, the development of growing plant tips, etc. Therefore phosphorus is essential in developing plants and seedlings.    

Phosphorus supports good root development. Phosphate in combination with calcium forms calcium phosphate. Releasing this phosphate fertilizer in the soil requires chemical and natural microbial processes.

Soil analysis can give a cultivator a good idea of what he is working on before using any kind of fertilizer.

To check the pH value of the field, you can dig two teaspoons of soil from the area and add ½ cup of vinegar. If the soil has bubbles, then the soil is alkaline, having a pH value between 7 and 8. 

The bond between calcium and phosphorus is stable, so adding too much to the soil will not burn the plants like other fertilizers. 

Homemade Phosphorus Fertilizers For Plants

Here are some excellent sources of homemade phosphorus fertilizer.

Homemade phosphorus fertilizer for plantsBone Meal

Bone meal is a homemade phosphorus fertilizer for plants that is a mixture of waste products of slaughter-house and finely and coarsely ground animal bones. 

Because it is rich in phosphorus and calcium, it is used in organic farming as an organic fertilizer for plants and animals and is used as a dietary supplement. 

Mainly bone meal is used as a source of protein and phosphorus as it is a slow-release fertilizer.

A bone meal is the simplest way to bring phosphorus into your garden. It can be found in fertilizers or mixed up with other products by yourself, so you can control every nutrient level that enters your garden.

If you want to prepare your natural phosphorus fertilizer, the easiest way is to make bone meal fertilizer. You can use leftovers saved from your kitchen table to have one less thing to throw away.  

Grass Clippings

Grass clippings are one of the homemade phosphorus fertilizer for plants. If you have an organic lawn, you should collect cut grass clips to use on your lawn.

Grass clippings from 1 inch to ½ inch are great mulch to block weeds, and there is also much nitrogen in them, which is an essential nutrient for most plants.

Grass clippings will always be part of lawn maintenance. You can put the cuttings in a bag or recycle them by putting them back on the lawn.

Grass clips having a length of one inch or less usually can be left on the lawn, where these clips decompose fast by filtering down into the soil. Long grass clips should be removed because they can shade the grass beneath, causing damage to the lawn. [1]

Do not throw a bag of grass clippings as garden waste. Instead, compost them or use the clippings as mulch for your garden.

Weed Tea

Like grass clippings, the kinds of weeds you find in your gardens are rich in phosphorus, nitrogen, etc., and make a good fertilizer. The issue is that when you remove the weed, you do not want to return it to the garden because the seeds will sprout and form a new weed.

Liquid fertilizers also called weed tea, are easy to make and give your garden an increase in nutrients, including phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, nitrogen, potassium, boron, silicon, iron, manganese, and copper. 

Weed tea can be used safely in vegetable gardens and flower beds. You can do this by pouring it into the plant base in the soil or spraying it on the leaves. [2]

You can use weed tea safely in vegetable gardens and flower beds by pouring it into the soil at the base of the plant or sprinkling the leaves.

To make weed tea, fill a five-liter bucket that is not more than a quarter full of the weeds you have removed. Then fill the rest of the bucket with water and soak the weeds for one or two weeks. When the water turns brown (like tea), pour this weed tea into your garden.


The use of manure on agricultural land is a suitable environmentally friendly farming method. An easy homemade phosphorus fertilizer for plants is available in manure form. 

Cows, horses, and chickens are different sources of manure providers. These manures are rich in phosphorus, nitrogen, and other nutrients, but you must use them carefully. Raw manure is very acidic and may contain more nutrients than a plant needs, so too many can harm your plants.

It is good to use compost. Because it is less nutritious and less acidic, you can use manure to increase water retention in the soil without damaging your plants. You do not have to wait long composite manure turns fast into a perfect, odor-free soil change.

Also Read: Advantages of Using Fertilizers in Agriculture


In autumn, trees shed their beautiful leaves, and they accumulate in our gardens and yards. These leaves contain phosphorus, an essential nutrient for plant growth. When these leaves decay, they release phosphorus bound to the leaves.

Instead of bagging autumn leaves and laying them aside, collect these fallen leaves for your garden. The leaves are rich in minerals, attract earthworms, retain soil moisture and help lighten heavy soils.

These leaves can be used in two ways; one way is to till them into the soil (or mix crushed leaves into potting soil), and the second way is to use them as mulch to fertilize your plants and prevent weeds.

Banana Peel

Banana peels contain a good percentage of phosphorus, one of the other essential nutrients needed for plant growth. Burry, those in the soil near the plant roots, is an effective method to get phosphorus for your plants, as the peels decompose quickly in the ground.

No nitrogen is present in banana peels, the primary nutrient needed for leaf growth. However, banana peels contain relatively high levels of micronutrients.

Bury the banana peels in a hole near the rose bush to compost naturally. Bury the peel on the top layer of the soil as the rose grows. Both methods provide the necessary potassium for proper plant growth.


In a good-quality eggshell, there are about 2.2 grams of calcium in the form of calcium carbonate. The eggshell is an average of 3% phosphorus and 3% magnesium and has potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, and iron traces.

Using lime in the garden has many benefits. It mainly helps reduce acidity in the soil for plants that don’t like acidic soil, and it gives plants a lot of calcium, which is an essential nutrient. 

Lime is an entirely natural fertilizer that growers can buy from garden centers. But if you want to save some money, then a cheaper way is there to get the same benefits: eggshells. Wash the eggshells from your kitchen and crush them to use in your garden.


Every house has a homemade phosphorus fertilizer for plants. Phosphorus is necessary for plant growth and is present in all living plant cells.

It has several essential functions in plants, including the transfer of energy, photosynthesis, sugar and starch exchange, the movement of nutrients in the plant, and genetic traits transfer from one generation to another.

We can use several natural things present in our home to provide phosphorus to the plants. As we discussed above all-natural sources of phosphorus are readily available. 


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