7 Hybrid Mustard Varieties in India - FeraxFarm

Hybrid mustard varieties in India have emerged as a game-changer in the cultivation of mustard, promising improved yields, disease resistance, and adaptability.

Mustard, an integral part of Indian cuisine and agriculture, has long been revered for its distinct flavor and versatility. As one of India’s most widely cultivated oilseed crops, mustard holds immense agricultural significance, contributing to the country’s economy and food security.

In recent years, hybrid mustard varieties have revolutionized mustard cultivation, offering farmers a promising solution to improve yields, enhance disease resistance, and adapt to diverse agro-climatic conditions.

These hybrid mustard verities significantly impact mustard cultivation and reshape the future of mustard cultivation in India.

Hybrid Mustard Varieties in India

What is a Hybrid Mustard Variety?

A hybrid mustard variety is a mustard plant created by crossbreeding two different parent plants with desirable traits. These hybrids are designed to exhibit specific characteristics such as improved disease resistance, higher yield, or enhanced flavor.

By combining the best traits of different varieties, hybrid mustard varieties offer farmers and consumers more options and benefits compared to traditional mustard cultivars.

Hybrid   Mustard Variety Characteristics

Hybrid mustard is a remarkable advancement in agricultural technology that combines the best traits of different mustard varieties through crossbreeding.

This process involves the controlled pollination of parent plants with desired characteristics to produce offspring with superior qualities.

Here are the key characteristics that make hybrid mustard varieties stand out:

Yield Potential

Hybrid mustard exhibits significantly higher yield potential compared to conventional varieties. By combining the genetic traits of different parent plants, hybrids benefit from hybrid vigor, also known as heterosis, resulting in increased seed production and overall crop yield.

Disease Resistance

One of the significient advantages of hybrid mustard is its enhanced disease resistance. Through careful selection and breeding, hybrid varieties possess improved tolerance to various diseases, such as Alternaria blight, white rust, and downy mildew.

This attribute reduces the risk of crop losses and the need for excessive pesticide use.


Hybrid mustard varieties display remarkable plant height, flowering time, and maturity uniformity. This characteristic ensures synchronized growth, facilitating ease of management and harvesting operations.


Hybrid mustard exhibits adaptability to diverse agro-climatic conditions. These varieties are specifically bred to thrive in different regions, allowing farmers to cultivate mustard across various geographical areas.

Hybrid mustard can withstand varying soil types, temperature fluctuations, and water stress, making it suitable for various agro-climatic zones.


Hybrid mustard varieties often possess desirable qualities, such as oil content, flavor, and nutritional value. These traits contribute to improved market value, making hybrids more attractive to farmers and consumers.

By leveraging the advantages of hybrid vigor, disease resistance, adaptability, uniformity, and quality, hybrid mustard varieties have revolutionized mustard cultivation, offering farmers the potential for higher yields, reduced risks, and improved profitability.

Hybrid Mustard Varieties in India

India has several hybrid mustard varieties, 7 varities among them are:

Proagro Mustard 5111

Proagro Mustard 5111 is a high-yielding hybrid variety with excellent adaptability to diverse agro-climatic conditions. 

This mustard variety offers good disease resistance, uniform maturity, and high oil content, making it a preferred choice for mustard cultivation in states like Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh.


  • Disease Resistance: Resistant to diseases like white rust and downy mildew.
  • Oil Content: Possesses high oil content, suitable for oil extraction.
  • Maturity Period: Medium maturity period of around 100-120 days.

Pusa Jai Kisan

Pusa Jai Kisan is a renowned hybrid mustard variety developed by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI). It offers a high yield, good oil content, and excellent disease resistance. 

Jai Kisan variety is widely cultivated in states like Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, and Madhya Pradesh. It has contributed significantly to mustard production in India.


  • Disease Resistance: Displays excellent disease resistance, including resistance to white rust.
  • Oil Content: Possesses high oil content, contributing to better oil quality.
  • Maturity Period: Medium maturity period of around 120-130 days.


NRCHB is a popular hybrid mustard variety known for its high yield potential and superior oil quality. 

NRCHB-506 exhibits good tolerance to major diseases and pests, making it suitable for cultivation in states such as Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, and West Bengal.


  • Disease Resistance: Shows resistance to diseases like white rust and Alternaria blight.
  • Oil Content: It contains (36.5- 42.5 %), suitable for oil production.
  • Maturity Period: Medium maturity period of around 131-156 days.

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NPJ 112 (Pusa Mustard 25)

NPJ 112, also known as Pusa Mustard 25, is a well-known hybrid variety developed by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI). It offers a high yield, good oil content, and disease resistance. 

Pusa mustard 25 is predominantly cultivated in states like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, and Jharkhand.


  • Disease Resistance: Exhibits excellent resistance to diseases like white rust and Alternaria blight.
  • Oil Content: Offers high oil content (35.5-41.2%), contributing to improved oil extraction.
  • Maturity Period: Medium maturity period of around 120-130 days.


This hybrid variety is a high-performing mustard variety characterized by its vigorous growth, high yield potential, and excellent oil quality. It exhibits good resistance against major diseases and pests. 

NRCDR 601 finds mustard cultivation prominent in states such as Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, and Uttar Pradesh.


  • Disease Resistance: Exhibits excellent resistance to diseases like white rust and Alternaria blight.
  • Oil Content: Offers high oil content, contributing to improved oil extraction.
  • Maturity Period: Medium maturity period of around 137-151 days.

Pioneer 45S35

Pioneer 45S35 is a widely cultivated hybrid mustard variety known for its high yield and superior oil content. It possesses good disease resistance and adaptability to different agro-climatic conditions. 

Pioneer 45S35 is prominently grown in states like Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh.


  • Disease Resistance: Resistant to major mustard diseases, including white rust.
  • Oil Content: Known for its high oil content (38.8-41.6 %).
  • Maturity Period: Medium maturity period of around 110-120 days.

DMH-11 (Dhara Mustard Hybrid)

DMH-11 is a hybrid mustard variety developed by the Directorate of Mustard Research (DMR). It exhibits high yield potential, good oil content, and tolerance to various biotic (temperature, salinity, floods, and drought) and abiotic (viruses, fungi, and bacteria) stresses. 

The mustard variety is cultivated in states such as Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, and Uttar Pradesh.


  • Disease Resistance: Shows resistance to diseases like white rust and Alternaria blight.
  • Oil Content: Contains good oil content, suitable for oil extraction purposes.
  • Maturity Period: Medium maturity period of around 110-120 days.

Advantages of Hybrid Mustard Varieties

Hybrid mustard varieties offer many advantages over traditional types, and some of these advantages include:

  • Increased yield and quality of mustard seeds and oil
  • Reduced production costs and environmental impact
  • Disease resistant
  • Can adapt to diverse agro-climatic conditions

However, there are potential challenges and risks associated with Hybrid Mustard farming:

  • Initial cost of seed procurement
  • Difficulty in seed production and maintenance

Major Research Institutions Involved in Hybrid Mustard Breeding in India.

Several research institutions and organizations are actively involved in developing and promoting hybrid mustard verities in India.

These institutions play a vital role in advancing agricultural technologies, conducting research, and collaborating with seed companies to develop superior hybrid mustard varieties.

Here are some notable organizations and institutions involved in hybrid mustard breeding in India:

Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI):

The Indian Agricultural Research Institute, located in New Delhi, is a premier research institution in agriculture. It has been actively involved in mustard research and breeding programs, including hybrid mustard development.

IARI focuses on developing high-yielding, disease-resistant, and genetically diverse mustard hybrids suitable for different agro-climatic zones.

Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard Research (DRMR)

The Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard Research, based in Bharatpur, Rajasthan, is dedicated to mustard research and development.

DRMR conducts extensive research on various aspects of mustard cultivation, including hybridization techniques, genetic improvement, and seed production.

The institution collaborates with other research centers and seed companies to release improved hybrid mustard varieties.

National Research Centre on Rapeseed-Mustard (NRCRM)

The National Research Centre on Rapeseed-Mustard, located in Bharatpur, Rajasthan, is focused on research and development in rapeseed-mustard crops.

The center conducts breeding programs to develop hybrid mustard varieties with enhanced yield potential, disease resistance, and tolerance to abiotic stresses.

NRCRM also undertakes research on agronomic practices and post-harvest technologies for mustard crops.

State Agricultural Universities (SAUs)

Various State Agricultural Universities across India actively participate in mustard breeding programs.

These universities, such as Punjab Agricultural University, Rajasthan Agricultural University, and Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, have dedicated departments and research stations focused on mustard research.

They collaborate with farmers, seed companies, and government agencies to develop and release hybrid mustard varieties suitable for specific regions.

Seed Companies

Private seed companies, such as Pioneer Hi-Bred India Pvt. Ltd., Proagro Seed Co., and Advanta India Limited, play a significant role in hybrid mustard breeding in India.

These companies invest in research and development to develop high-quality hybrid mustard varieties with desirable traits.

They work closely with research institutions, utilize advanced breeding techniques, and conduct extensive field trials to release commercially viable hybrid mustard seeds.

Their efforts are instrumental in improving mustard productivity, enhancing disease resistance, and providing farmers with sustainable and profitable mustard cultivation options.

Growing Demand for Hybrid Mustard Varieties in Recent Years

The demand for hybrid mustard varieties has steadily risen in recent years as farmers and agricultural experts recognize their numerous benefits.

Hybrid mustard varieties are the result of crossbreeding two or more distinct mustard lines, combining desirable traits to create superior plants.

One key factor driving the growing demand for hybrid mustard is the significant increase in yield potential. These varieties often exhibit enhanced vigor and yield, surpassing the productivity of traditional mustard varieties.

The hybridization process allows for the combination of traits that promote higher seed production, resulting in larger harvests and increased profitability for farmers.

Furthermore, hybrid mustard varieties demonstrate improved disease resistance and tolerance. They are bred to withstand various diseases, such as fungal infections and viral attacks, which can significantly impact mustard crops.

By incorporating disease-resistant genes from different mustard lines, hybrid varieties provide a higher level of protection, minimizing crop losses and reducing the need for excessive pesticide applications.

Another advantage of hybrid mustard varieties is their adaptability to diverse agro-climatic conditions. These hybrids are developed to thrive in different regions, ensuring stable cultivation across various geographical areas.

Whether withstanding extreme temperatures, adapting to different soil types, or tolerating water stress, hybrid mustard varieties offer greater resilience and flexibility, making them suitable for various agro-climatic zones.

The growing demand for hybrid mustard is also driven by the socioeconomic benefits it brings to farmers. With increased yields and improved disease resistance, farmers can achieve higher profitability and reduce production risks.

Moreover, hybrid mustard cultivation often requires fewer inputs, such as fertilizers and pesticides, leading to cost savings and decreased environmental impact.


Hybrid mustard has emerged as a game-changer in Indian agriculture, offering numerous advantages to farmers and the overall mustard production system.

Combining improved yield potential, disease resistance, and adaptability has made hybrid varieties a viable choice for farmers nationwide.

Continued research, collaboration, and farmer education are essential to further unlocking the potential of hybrid mustard and meeting the growing demand for this incredible crop.


Frequently asked question about hybrid mustard 

What is the difference between hybrid and traditional mustard varieties?

Hybrid mustard varieties are created by crossbreeding two genetically different inbred lines of mustard plants, while traditional mustard varieties are grown through natural breeding.

What are the most popular hybrid mustard varieties in India?

India’s most popular hybrid mustard varieties include Pusa Mustard, RGN-11, DMH-11, Kranti, and Varuna.

How do I choose the best hybrid mustard variety for my farm?

The correct hybrid mustard variety choice depends on several factors, such as soil and climate conditions, yield and quality characteristics, and pest and disease resistance.

What are the significant benefits of hybrid mustard cultivation?

Hybrid mustard cultivation offers benefits such as increased yield and quality of mustard seeds and oil, reduced production costs, and environmental impact.

Are there any potential risks or challenges associated with hybrid mustard farming?

Potential risks and challenges include the initial cost of seed procurement and difficulty in seed production and maintenance.


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