Organic vs Inorganic Fertilizer Used in Agriculture - FeraxFarm

What is the difference between organic vs inorganic fertilizer used in agriculture? Organic and inorganic fertilizers provide nutrients to the farm soil in different ways.

Fertilizers support the farm soil with essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. 

Organic fertilizers are only plant or animal-origin materials that are a by-product or end product of natural processes such as manure, leaves, and compost.

Inorganic fertilizer, also called synthetic fertilizer, is artificially produced and contains synthetic minerals or chemicals. This type of fertilizer is made up of minerals and synthetic chemicals. 

Organic and inorganic fertilizers provide essential nutrients for healthy and robust plant growth. But, each contains different ingredients and provides nutrients in different ways. 

Organic vs Inorganic Fertilizer Used in Agriculture

Organic vs Inorganic fertilizer used in agriculture has both advantages and disadvantages. Inorganic fertilizer gives rapid nutrition to the plant, organic fertilizers create a healthy environment for growing plants.

The best decision for your plants largely depends on your plant needs and preferences in terms of costs and environmental impact. First, let’s see what is organic and inorganic fertilizers. 

What is an Organically Prepared Fertilizer?

Organic fertilizer is a fertilizer that is produced naturally and contains carbon (C). Fertilizer is a material added to soil or plants to provide nutrients and stimulate plant growth. [1] 

Commonly organic fertilizers contain mineral resources, animal waste of all kinds, including meat processing, manure, slurry and guano, compost, and biosolids like plant-based fertilizers.

Fertilizers from organic sources benefit plants, soil, and the environment; they do not usually damage or destroy plants if appropriately used. Organically prepared fertilizers stimulate beneficial soil microorganisms, also organic fertilizers improve soil structure.

Microbes in the soil play an essential role in converting organic fertilizers into soluble nutrients that plants can absorb at a rate they can use. Fertilizers of organic origin provide secondary and micronutrient requirements for plants not typically found in synthetic fertilizers.

Fertilizers of organic origin usually have a lower NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) content than synthetic fertilizers, but organic fertilizers feed plants much longer.

Consequently, on lawns and plants, the effect of organic fertilizers is generally more precise. It may take a little more time to see the good results, but a farm that stays green longer is a payoff.


What is Inorganic Fertilizer?

Synthetic or Inorganic fertilizers are made from ammonia, nitrogen, phosphate minerals, and sulfur. A fertilizer production plant is used to prepare a range of different synthetic fertilizer mixtures.

Most of these mixtures consist of the main macronutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. In addition, micronutrients and secondary nutrients are based on soil analysis and crop needs.

Synthetic fertilizers facilitate precision cultivation by providing crop growers with specially blended fertilizer products that contain nutrients tailored to the precise nutritional needs of the crop field. [2]

Fertilizers of synthetic origin are known for their fast action and are available in various forms such as granules, pellets, liquids, etc. Synthetic fertilizers are soluble in water, and plants can pick them up immediately.

Although synthetic fertilizers quickly interfere with nutrients and rapid greening, the color does not last long compared to organic fertilizers. Growers need to reuse synthetic fertilizers regularly to avoid faded results.

Synthetic fertilizers provide a quick boost to plants. However, it does not support soil life, improve the texture of the soil, or increase long-term soil fertility.

These fertilizers are soluble in water and can penetrate streams. Rapid results of synthetic fertilizers can cost; if you use too much, it can burn your lawn and damage your plants.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers

In compersion of organic vs inorganic fertilizer used in agriculture, we found the following facts. 

Advantages of Organic Fertilizer

Organic vs Inorganic Fertilizer Used in Agriculture

The following are the advantages of organic fertilizers.

Better Water Retaining Capacity

Organic fertilizers help improve soil structure, which improves water-holding capacity and infiltration of the soil.  

No Acclimation of Toxins 

Organic origin fertilizers do not acclimate harmful chemicals or salts in the soil that are hazards to plants.  

Ecosystem Friendly and Improves Soil and Plant Structure 

Rich nutrients present in organic fertilizer makes soil fertile and help increase the activity of earthworm and microorganisms in the ground.

These organisms improve the organic matter and structure of the farm soil and plants. 

Help in Breaking Down Contaminants

Organic fertilizers slowly release nutrients into the soil; plants can absorb all the necessary nutrients they need without straining the crop or over-fertilizing the plants.

Advantages of Inorganic Fertilizer

Inorganic fertilizers have the following advantages

Inorganic Fertilizers Act Fast 

Synthetic fertilizers act faster than organic fertilizers, making them a good choice for plants that require nutrients because of nutritional deficiency. 

Easy to Use

Synthetic origin fertilizers come in granular pellets dry or water-soluble products. These fertilizers provide a balanced, consistent diet.

Not Expensive 

Inorganic fertilizers are very cheap than organic fertilizers. Although synthetic fertilizers are more affordable in the short run, they contribute less in the long run.

Standard Labeling 

Synthetic fertilizer nutrient ratio is well defined than organic fertilizer. The chemical fertilizer nutrient ratio is defined clearly on the label, minimizing overdosing risk. 

Disadvantages of Organic Fertilizer

Organic fertilizers are human, ecosystem, and plant-friendly, but they have some disadvantages. 

Usually Low in Nutrients

The use of organic fertilizers is a process, not an opportunity. The nutrient level present in organic fertilizers is generally low. Furthermore, nutrients are often complex in their organic chemical structure, which means organic fertilizer cannot produce the color seen with chemical fertilizer.


Organic fertilizer produced commercially is generally more expensive per unit than inorganic fertilizer.

The Results Can Be Slow

Organic fertilizers must first decompose in the soil before you see the results. Often the results can be seen within a few months after the first application of the fertilizer completely decomposes.

Organic Fertilizer Needs More Labor to Apply

Organic fertilizers can be bulky and dirty materials. Some argue that it is a labor of love to work with organic fertilizer, but turning composite piles, and moving and spreading solid manure is not easy.

This also means that an extensive fertilizer application is not easy because the heavy manure is less suitable to spread with mechanical spreaders.

Disadvantages of Inorganic Fertilizer

Disadvantages of inorganic fertilizers include

Toxic Waste Accumulation

Inorganic fertilizers are not entirely composed of the nutrients that plants need. It also includes salts and other compounds. Because plants do not absorb them, they remain in the soil and accumulate over time. 

When large amounts accumulate in the soil, these compounds can change the chemistry of the ground, making it very unsuitable for cultivation.

Affordability Issue

Inorganic fertilizers are usually not expensive. However, some specially-formulated inorganic fertilizers cost much more than most.

Leeching Occurs 

Inorganic fertilizers contain nutrients that have already been broken down into their basic ingredients for easy adoption by plants. But it can also be easily washed off when watering or irrigating plants, and this is called leaching. 

Leeching generally occurs when watering plants. As a result, a good amount of fertilizer goes to waste.

Not Environmentally Friendly

A significant disadvantage of using artificial or inorganic fertilizers is the risk of groundwater contamination, and some inorganic fertilizers can damage plants if left on the leaves. 

It is said that inorganic fertilizer reduces antioxidant levels. Fertilizer application, especially in inorganic form, can increase the chances of fertilizer loss and environmental pollution. [3]


Organic fertilizers are organic products extracted from living things or soil. They can be made from plants or animals. Some examples include mushroom manure, bone, cottonseed, and compost.

Inorganic fertilizers consist of synthesized chemicals nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. They provide rapid nutrition to the plant. Organic fertilizer, in general, contains smaller amounts of N-P-K than its synthesized counterparts.

Above we compare organic vs inorganic fertilizer used in agriculture. Both of these have advantages and disadvantages. it would be best if you used them more to fulfill plants’ nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium requirement. 

But, since organic fertilizer adds vital organic matter, it also improves soil texture, a significant advantage.


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