Types of Organic Farming Practices - FeraxFarm

Different types of organic farming practices are adapted to produce organic food. Organic farming is a production method that supports the health of soil, ecosystems, and people. 

Organic farming depends on biodiversity, natural processes, and locally adapted cyclic conditions instead of harmful chemicals.

Tradition, innovation, and science are combined in organic farming for the common good of the environment and to promote fair relations and good quality of life for all concerned.

Lately, more and more people are accepting the idea of organic farming, dealing with health and environmental issues, or looking for new gastronomic experiences.

The transition to organic farming has promising prospects for the well-being and development of nature and food diversity.

Among the benefits of organic farming, one crucial feature is the higher nutritional value of organic food than those grown with chemical additives.

Different Types of Organic Farming Practices      

The concept of organic farming requires strict adherence to established standards that define and limit applicable techniques. Common and approved organic farming practices include the following.

Crop Rotation

Crop rotation is an organic farming technique in which different crop species are cultivated on the same field season by season. The crop rotation method in agriculture may involve a fallow period in a specific time interval.

Crop rotation help:

  • Pest and weed eradication and chemical contamination to solve the problem (because different pests hurt different species of plants).
  • Stop soil erosion by different types of root systems.
  • Protects the soil from depletion because various plants increase the release of nutrients, thus removing the use of synthetic fertilizers that are not allowed in organic farming;
  • Increase productivity and reduce costs.

Covering Crops

Among types of organic farming practices covering crops is another practice. Cover crops in agriculture are grown to cover the agricultural land and not for harvesting

This approach to agriculture means that the field will be covered with any plant type in a given season or permanently, partially, or entirely between the rows of crops. 

Covering crop fields fights soil erosion and improves water filtration and root aeration. They also destroy weeds with their tops, hiding unwanted vegetation from sunlight.

Cover crops improve the soil structure, reducing soil loss and increasing infiltration. It protects the soil surface, distributes raindrop energy, and reduces the speed of water movement on the soil surface.

Cover crops can meet various management objectives and be an integral organic farming component. Several species of cover crops are there for crop covering to choose from. [1]

Also Read: Equipments Used in Modern Farming

Green Manure

Green manure crops maintain soil fertility and structure; these crops are raised significantly for soil fertility and maintain soil structure, although the crops can also have other functions. They are usually added to the soil directly or after removal and composting. [2]

Green plants mix enriches the soil with organic matter, especially nitrogen. Also, green manure increases moisture levels and provides nutrients to microorganisms, thus improving farm soil quality. The cultivation method described also lowers weed infestation.

Green manure cover crops are common for many growers in the farming and agricultural sectors. The green manure method of organic fertilization also has many advantages for the home gardener.

Animal Manure

Animal manure is one of the organic farming practices used in agriculture. Animal manure enriches the soil with natural ingredients derived from animals, raw or composted.

This organic farming practice increases soil fertility by providing organic substances and nutrients, like nitrogen, used by bacteria, fungi, and other organisms in the soil.

In growing healthy crops, animal manure provides essential nutrients. Besides, animal manure adds organic matter to the soil, which increases microbial activity, drainage, and the overall structure of the soil.

This manure improves the structure of the soil (accumulation)so that the soil stores more nutrients and water and increases its fertility. Animal waste stimulates soil microbial activity, which supports the soil’s supply of trace minerals and improves plant nutrition.

This organic practice has restrictions because the manure must not contain synthetic compounds. The soil is tested before the manure application, and the fertilizer is allowed at least three months before harvesting.

Composed manure forms are preferred because they are denser and contain microscopic pathogens and contaminants.

Integrated Weed Management

The oldest way to solve the problem is to pull weeds by hand. However, this requires a lot of effort and time due to the large areas and small staff. Integrated weed management is a comprehensive method in organic farming to control and reduce weeds in an agricultural field and involves various techniques.

Today, most farmers depend on herbicides. However, sustainable agriculture and organic farming require a thorough reconsideration of the approach because chemical residues harm humans and nature.

Also, many plants develop resistance to chemicals, and these herbicides are not allowed in organic farming. 

In this context, alternative and integrated weed management plans are the most favorable option to consider to eradicate weeds.

The integrated weed management method aims to prevent contamination of planting material and cultivated areas. Examples of good weed prevention techniques in the field are pure seed (certified seed), clean equipment, and tarping grain loads. 

IPM will decrease weed pressure and reduce the introduction of new or harmful weeds into the agricultural field. [3]

This organic farming method involves:

  • Purchasing weed-free high-quality seeds.
  • Washing equipment.
  • Checking legs and fur of livestock for weed contamination.  
  • Check water used for irrigation for transportation of weed seeds. 
  • Thoroughly use manure and rotten composite to prevent seed germination.

Integrated Pest Management

In organic farming, IPM (Integrated Pest Management) is an environmentally friendly and effective method for pest management based on a combination of sound practices. [4]

In the fight against pests, organic farming’s goal is not to eliminate them because they will result from changes in the ecosystem. The organic farming concept depends heavily on alternative methods of pest control. 

Prevention, construction of natural barriers, physical removal, and control of pest infestations with biological enemies (predators) such as ladybugs with aphids can control bests naturally. 

In the case of synthetic controllers, this concept only allows environmentally friendly pesticides recognized in organic farming, which has no controversial properties and are the least harmful to humans and nature. 

These ingredients include hydrogen peroxide, soap, sulfur, baking soda, lavender oil, citronella, neem-like natural pest repellents, and more.


Types of organic farming practices use organic fertilizers like compost and green manure. Techniques such as crop rotation, cover crops, mixed planting, and promotion of predatory insects to produce organic food. 

USDA organic regulations define organic farming as applying cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that support the on-farm resource cycle and ecological balance and conserve biodiversity.

Organic producers use natural processes and materials when developing an agricultural system. They contribute to soil, crop nutrition, pest, and weed management, achieving production goals, and conserving biodiversity.


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