High Phosphorus Organic Fertilizer - FeraxFarm

High phosphorus organic fertilizer provides phosphorus to plants in adequate amounts. Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for plants.

Organic fertilizers rich in phosphorus includes mushroom compost, banana peel, rock phosphate, manure, bone meal, cottonseed meal, cucumber skins, fish meal, blood meal, and compost.

Phosphorus is essential for plants, helps plant strong root growth, capture, store, and convert energy from the sun into biomolecules such as ATP. The nutrients help plant seed formation, water use efficiency, winter hardness, and much more.  

Phosphorus is a micronutrient required by plants in large quantities. An insufficient amount of this nutrient delays the plant’s maturity and causes yield loss. 

Plants must have adequacy of phosphorus for healthy growth and development.

Natural High Phosphorus Fertilizer

High phosphorus natural fertilizers are around us. We use those natural substances in our houses which are a source of high phosphorus organic fertilizer for indoor or outdoor plants.

Here are some high-organic phosphorus fertilizers that provide phosphorus to plants in adequate amounts.

Mushroom Composite

Mushroom composite is a type of organic fertilizer rich in phosphorus. Besides phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, and minerals are also present in the mushroom composite. Decomposing mushroom remains prepare mushroom composite.

Almost every house prepares mushrooms for eating; mushroom remains, after decomposing, are a high phosphorus organic fertilizer for plants. This organic fertilizer’s phosphorus and other beneficial nutrients help plants enhance development and yield.

Banana Peel

Banana peels are a great natural source of phosphorus. Banana eating is good for human health, and their peel can be a rich source of phosphorus for plants.

Banana peel quickly breaks down in the soil, and inserting peel near the plant roots is beneficial for plants to get the phosphorus naturally.

There are 1.64 to 27.84 mg of phosphorus in 100 grams of banana peel. Besides, phosphorus peels also contain sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. [1]

So when you eat a banana, don’t through the peel thinking of it as scrap; instead, you can use the peel as a source of phosphorus for your indoor or outdoor plants.

Also Read: Homemade Phosphorus Fertilize for Plants

Cottonseed Meal

Cottonseed meal is prepared by extracting oil from cotton seeds, and this by-product is used as an organic fertilizer for plants. This organic matter contains phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen.

This natural organic fertilizer slowly releases potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, and other beneficial nutrients into the soil for plant use.

The phosphorus density in cottonseed meals varies from 6.0 to 7.8 g kg–1. [2]

Cottonseed meal decomposes over time, releases nutrients, and enhances soil humus when applied to the soil. 

Cucumber Peels

Cucumber peel is a high phosphorus organic fertilizer to use for plants. Cucumber peels contain about 11% of phosphorus in their body weight.

Besides phosphorus, cucumber peels contain potassium which makes these peels a natural and organic source of phosphorus and potassium for plants.

So instead of throwing cucumber peels, burn them and make an organic fertilizer for your potted or outdoor plants.

Place cucumber peels around the plant to help eliminate ants that damage plant leaves. These peels contain an alkaloid that is a natural repellent against damaging ants.

Fish Meal

Grounding remains of fish, such as bones and skin and other parts, prepare a fish meal. This meal is a rich source of phosphorus-containing 4 to 6 % phosphorus. It also contains calcium and nitrogen.

Fish meal is a natural organic nutrient-rich fertilizer for flower beds, outdoor plants, vegetables, and trees. Adding fish meal to the soil provides phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium. These nutrients help plant growth and development.

So whenever you eat fish, don’t through skin or bones into the dustbin; instead, use them as a source of phosphorus for your plants.

Bone Meal

Bone meal is a high phosphorus organic fertilizer for plants. The average phosphorus content in bone meal is 4.40% [3]

This organic fertilizer is prepared by steaming bone and then crushed into fine powder or granules for plant use. Besides phosphorus, this fertilizer also contains nitrogen, calcium, and other beneficial nutrients.

Bone meal also helps improves soil structure. Calcium in this fertilizer enhances strong roots and helps prevent diseases in plants.

Rock Phosphate

Rock phosphate is made from limestone and sedimentary rocks. Rock phosphate is a rich organic source of phosphorus.  

Because phosphorus is naturally present in rock phosphate, it is used as an organic fertilizer in organic farming. The percentage of phosphorus in rock phosphate varies from 4 to 20%. As this fertilizer is organic, it is friendly to the environment and helps better crop and sound yield.

Rock phosphate remains available for years to the plants as it is slowly released into the soil.

Don’t over-fertilize with rock phosphate; it can cause leaf chlorosis and damage beneficial soil microorganisms.   

Benefits of High Phosphorus Natural Fertilizer

The high phosphorus organic fertilizer offers many benefits to plants. Getting an adequate amount of phosphorus from the soil is essential for plants.

Phosphorus helps develop roots, fruit, and flowers and aid in storing and transferring energy in plants. It also helps with other areas of growth and development.

The benefits that a high phosphorus organic fertilizer offers to your plants: 

Supports Strong Roots

High phosphorus organic fertilizer helps make plant roots strong and enhances the plant’s life. It also helps the plants grow bigger and stronger.

Increases plant’s Appeal and Attractiveness

The fertilizer also increases the beauty of the plants. This nutrient also helps enhance the attractiveness of the plants.

Phosphorus Enhances the Plant’s Natural Color

High phosphorus organic fertilizer also enhances the overall color of the plants. A deficiency of phosphorus in plants can cause discoloration of plants.

Enhance Seed and Flower Formation

During the plant’s maturity, phosphorus moves to the fruit-forming areas and provides the energy required for fruit formation.  

Help Early and Uniform Crop Maturity

Adequate amounts of phosphorus available to plants help them in uniform and early maturity. 


High phosphorus organic fertilizer provides phosphorus to plants in adequate amounts. Phosphorus is essential for plants to carry out several vital functions, such as root and fruit development, energy transfer, etc.

Organic fertilizers are friendly to the environment and humans. These fertilizers do not spread contamination in the environment we live in as compared to synthetic fertilizers.

Organic fertilizers can be prepared from scraps from our homes, such as banana peel, mushroom remains, cucumber peels, etc.

If you want to grow organic vegetables and fruits, organic fertilizers are essential, as organic farming does not allow using chemical/synthetic fertilizers.


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